Automated Systems

Idea Inspiring Workbooks

Hands-On Support

Copy + Paste Templates

Live Trainings

Time-Saving Automations

Automated Systems Strategy for Founders Craving Stability.

We help passionate people expand their business by developing strong systems so they can enjoy financial stability and time freedom.

Remember when you decided to start your business with stars in your eyes, envisioning a life of freedom, flexibility, and unlimited potential?

It is so easy for our businesses to leave you drowning in deadlines, buried in tasks, and gasping for a breath of fresh air. Instead of enjoying the freedom you sought, you find yourself imprisoned by an endless to-do list.

The solution that will save you countless hours and give back your bandwidth is Automated Systems - tasks you do ONCE that continue to work for you FOREVER! 

Empowered Founder takes the guesswork out of setting up your systems, and gives you copy and paste templates to minimize the learning curve and get you AUTOMATED asap!! Let's win back your capacity!! 

But Seriously,

When I invested in a Mentor, the game changed for me! It allowed space to share my hopes and fears with someone who had gone before me. It showed me what's possible, strengthened my convictions, and offered an experienced sounding board while building something new (It is incredible how much faster I move in business with the confidence of Mentorship.)

Great Athletes have the best Coaches, winning Politicians have talented Campaign Managers, even CEOs have a board of advisors - Success is a team sport - why are we trying to do it alone?

That's why I created

Through the journey of building a business from scratch, I have gained valuable insights into transforming dreams to reality, fostering a compelling vision that motivates my team, and leading sales calls that prioritize authenticity, kindness, and helpfulness over pushiness.

My experiences include working with prominent corporate accounts based in Manhattan and numerous individual clients. Following a year of tremendous growth, we strategically implemented technology to automate our client journey, resulting in a business model that requires minimal hands-on involvement. This has allowed our team to dedicate more time to enhancing our products, improving the client experience, and nurturing our personal well-being.

I have had the honor of working with three exceptional high-level coaches, specializing in Sales, Strategy, and Aligned Business Practices. I have come to appreciate the vital importance of cultivating an empowered mindset. I have learned firsthand that even the best script and strategy will ultimately crumble without a strong foundation of self-worth.

My formal education in the field of Education has equipped me with the fundamental principles of effectively conveying concepts from one mind to another, which has greatly benefits my role as a coach.

Through the journey of building a business from scratch, I have gained valuable insights into transforming dreams to reality, fostering a compelling vision that motivates my team, and leading sales calls that prioritize authenticity, kindness, and helpfulness over pushiness.

My experiences include working with prominent corporate accounts based in Manhattan and numerous individual clients. Following a year of tremendous growth, we strategically implemented technology to automate our client journey, resulting in a business model that requires minimal hands-on involvement. This has allowed our team to dedicate more time to enhancing our products, improving the client experience, and nurturing our personal well-being.

I have had the honor of working with three exceptional high-level coaches, specializing in Sales, Strategy, and Aligned Business Practices. I have come to appreciate the vital importance of cultivating an empowered mindset. I have learned firsthand that even the best script and strategy will ultimately crumble without a strong foundation of self-worth.

My formal education in the field of Education has equipped me with the fundamental principles of effectively conveying concepts from one mind to another, which has greatly benefits my role as a coach.

i can help because i've been there

I ended each year with far less than I thought I made, overwhelmed, and exhausted. 

When I was 19, I started my first real business. I soaked up everything I could from podcasts, copied the systems I saw others doing, and asked for advice anywhere I could. While I did end up working with hundreds of clients, building a beautiful portfolio - 

In 2021, I took the leap and invested in a business mentor - and I've had one ever since! My mentors helped me overcome mental blocks of how I thought things must be done, streamline my internal business process, and help me book over 6 figures in 6 months! 

I greatly benefited by their expertise, advice, and high level strategy  - However, I found there was a missing 'roadmap to success' that I wish I had in the beginning to enable me to skip many of the painful (and expensive) lessons of the first 6 months. 

So, I created Empowered Founder to bring together the high level coaching principals and the concrete steps that I've learned the hard way! 

but nowI know how to help!

Our Offerings

We believe Automated Systems is the gateway to Capacity, Profit, and Freedom!! We have assembled three ways to work with us: Two Accelerators (for Beginners and Pros) and Private Mentorship for more personal support.

The Empowered Launch:
New Business Foundations

Empowered Systems Accelerator:
Sustainable Scaling 

Private Mentorship:
High-Level Support 


How far are you in your journey?

If you are in your first year of business (or are planning on launching soon!) The Empowered Launch is perfect for you!! If you are earning consistent income, and are ready to scale sustainably, the Empowered Systems Accelerator will give you the strategies that multiplies you in your business!

Have you already started your Systems?

If you have already begun automating your business, Empowered Systems Accelerator will fill in the spaces you have yet to systematize!

How much time do you have to dedicate to systems implementation?

While automated systems save you exponential time in the long term, it takes some time to set them up in the beginning. We suggest reserving 3+ hours a week for The Empowered Launch, and 8+ hours for Empowered Systems Accelerator!

which Accelerator is right for you?

Are we a good fit?

While Automated Systems is beneficial for EVERY business model - the application can differ.

Empowered Founder is not just a program; it's your strategic roadmap to success. We provide a step-by-step guide to setting up your business for sustainable growth. From articulating your vision to automating your client journey funnel, our accelerator programs are designed to streamline your business development process.



You want to share your skill with your clients as much as possible!! Our Automated Infrastructure takes the backend tasks off your plate entirely, so you can spend your time on what you love.

Product Businesses


You want to get your incredible product into more hands. Our automated distribution systems allow your ordering and delivery processes to be streamlined to give you more time to create!

Event Vendors


You want to infuse an amazing client experience from first impressions to the glowing testimonial, right?! Our automated client journey systems allow for a standardized, elevated client experience that nurtures and wows! 

Digital Businesses


You want to grow your digital empire. Use our Automated Ecosystem to draw in potential clients and effortlessly nurture them into paying clients!

FIVE Weeks to Impact

Interactive Workbook to Build your Business' Foundation in FIVE WEEKS!

Let's Build your Foundation

Let's Build // your Foundation

System Accelerators

Our Exact System and Procedures in an easy to follow Program. Includes Templates, and Checklists - Recorded and Compiled by the Empowered Founder Team! 

Contents Include

Email Sequence Templates: Welcome, Nurturing, Etc

Step by Step Guide to set up your Google Profile

Professionality Checklist and  Editable Templates

Quick Links and Discount Codes to the Best Tech/CRMs

Recommended Book List for Busy Entrepreneurs 

Empowered Founder


Past Client

"Working with Sierra was an absolute pleasure! Her knowledge about how to setup small businesses was so incredibly helpful for me." 

"When starting your own business, there are a scary number of things in the “don’t know what you don’t know” category. Sierra helps not only guide you in implementing your own ideas, but also gives you information and knowledge about processes you didn’t even know existed. Having that kind of mentorship early in your journey is a game changer. It literally saves years of trial and error.

"Sierra isn’t only a knowledge hub, she also has an infectious energy for your ideas. She might be the first person as genuinely excited about getting your businesses going as you are. When starting your own business, even the most well-intentioned friends often start with “yes, but…” or “but why?” Or any number of doubtful questions. While being realistic about where you are, Sierra might be the first person to say “Yes!” And then work with you to discover how you can manifest your vision!

"I honestly couldn’t recommend working with Sierra enough. She might be the difference between your simple idea that dies out from ineffective implementation and a flourishing business that thrives into the future."

Dane Rich

Violinist, Launching business #2 soon!

kind words

Working with Sierra quite literally changed my life.

I had no business background and was trying to figure out what was next in my career. Through her program, I was able to articulate my vision, goals and purpose of my business. Most impactful of all was her one on one coaching sessions. Through those conversations, she held space for me to show up with all my fears, questions, strengths, and many ideas. I am a person who sees possibility in everything and through her coaching I was able to hone in on my purpose and what I wanted. She held space for me to show up authentically without judgement or impatience, and because of her empathetic listening and curious questions, I was able to dig to the heart of what and why I was motivated to do. Because of her I was able to articulate what I wanted in the next season of life and my career. Her coaching will change your life, its worth every penny of the investment into yourself and your business!

- Bekah B

Pediatric Nurse, Holistic Nurse Coach, currently volunteering in Medical Missions with Mercy Ships in Sierra Leone.