

Here's to the Well-rested, BoldGenerous entrepreneurs. 

May we know them,
support them, 

BECOME them.

To the dreamers, the doers, and the difference-makers. If you want to win at business AND create lasting impact -

To the dreamers, the doers, and the difference-makers. If you want to win at business AND create lasting impact - you must

Our Mission

To help people do both: Do well for yourself AND do good for others.
Building strong companies gives us power to make intentional choices to give our best to ourselves, our clients, AND our causes

Clients + Collaboration

Earnings + investments

Leadership + Influence

Your Capacity for: 

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the entrepreneurial waters or you’re ready to dive headfirst into scaling your empire —

— we’ve got you covered. With small business strategy that STARTS with your personal goals and causes, we help you create an aligned, life-supporting business — together!

Empowered Founder

Welcome to

Your Starting


The Professional: Turning Your Passion into Part-Time Ease.

For Freelancers

The Visionary: Scaling Your Business with Heart and Strategy.

For Founders

Are you a Solopreneur with a passion project or a founder looking to scale? We’re here to help you build a business that reflects the very best of who you are.


Hey there! This company is my long-awaited, deeply pondered passion project that I hope finds its way to the people who desire to make a positive difference in their corner of the world.

As a long-time entrepreneur, my deepest desire is to offer guidance for others sharing their talents on their terms! Of course we will create a plan for how to find your ideal clients and how to structure your business for sustainable growth - but small business is about so much more than that, right?

Small business is about more than a paycheck. It is about supporting your purpose, providing for your family, and positively impacting those who are blessed to work with you! If that resonates with you — you're in the right place.

About Sierra

Sierra Bettis

"[Sierra]'s knowledge about how to setup small businesses was so incredibly helpful.

"When starting your own business, there are a scary number of things in the “don’t know what you don’t know” category. Sierra helps not only guide you in implementing your own ideas, but also gives you information and knowledge about processes you didn’t even know existed. Having that kind of mentorship early in your journey is a game changer. It literally saves years of trial and error."

Dane R

Bekah B.




“Working with Sierra quite literally changed my life.

I had no business background and was trying to figure out what was next in my career. Through her program, I was able to articulate my vision, goals and purpose of my business. Most impactful of all was her one on one coaching sessions. Through those conversations, she held space for me to show up with all my fears, questions, strengths, and many ideas."

Dane R

Bekah B.




“[Becoming Founder]'s course helped me conceptualize clear objectives.

By honing down on my goals and putting dreams to paper, the course gave me a road map on how to execute each step along the way. Additionally, the personal coaching was invaluable as it facilitated an opportunity for me to voice my own personal initiatives and fears, and receive helpful outside perspective and advice."

Dane R

Bekah B.




“Sierra has somehow distilled 1,000 books worth of wisdom...

on entrepreneurship, business strategy, and value-oriented leadership into a 5-week programme. The takeaway materials were invaluable, the in-person sessions were a blast, and the impact on my start-up has been game-changing from start to finish. For anyone looking to make an impact, I recommend [Becoming Founder] with zero reservations and highest praise."

Dane R

Bekah B.




Empowered Founder


I. Life-Supporting Business Plan

Your Goals

II. Sustainable Growth Strategy

Your Road Map

III. Holistic Marketing Machine

Your Outreach

IV.  Intentional CEO Routines

Your Capacity

V.  Empowering Delegation

Your Team


ways to work


We have two companies to help you where you need it most! Empowered Founder helps you build a strong, purposeful business plan, and our sister business, BACKSTAGE, offers hands-on backend support!

Business Strategy

Automated Systems

We don't have to do it alone

Success is a Team Sport

Consider us your co-pilot, your cheerleader, and your go-to guide in the wild world of entrepreneurship. Think of us as the friend who listens to your rambling thoughts, helps you untangle them, and then shows you how to turn those messy ideas into a crystal-clear vision. Building a business can feel overwhelming - you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help you navigate the ups and downs with confidence, clarity, and a whole lot of heart.

Remember when you decided to start your business with stars in your eyes, envisioning a life of freedom, flexibility, and unlimited potential?

It is so easy for our businesses to leave you drowning in deadlines, buried in tasks, and gasping for a breath of fresh air. Instead of enjoying the freedom you sought, you find yourself imprisoned by an endless to-do list.

i can help because i've been there

I ended each year with far less than I thought I made, overwhelmed, and exhausted. 

When I was 19, I started my first real business. I soaked up everything I could from podcasts, copied the systems I saw others doing, and asked for advice anywhere I could. While I did end up working with hundreds of clients, building a beautiful portfolio - 

In 2021, I took the leap and invested in a business mentor - and I've had one ever since! My mentors helped me overcome mental blocks of how I thought things must be done, streamline my internal business process, and help me book over 6 figures in 6 months! 

I greatly benefited by their expertise, advice, and high level strategy  - However, I found there was a missing 'roadmap to success' that I wish I had in the beginning to enable me to skip many of the painful (and expensive) lessons of the first 6 months. 

So, I created Empowered Founder to bring together the high level coaching principals and the concrete steps that I've learned the hard way! 

I can help because I've been there

Small Business

But Seriously,

When I invested in a Mentor, the game changed for me! It allowed space to share my hopes and fears with someone who had gone before me. It showed me what's possible, strengthened my convictions, and offered an experienced sounding board while building something new (It is incredible how much faster I move in business with the confidence of Mentorship.)

Great Athletes have the best Coaches, winning Politicians have talented Campaign Managers, even CEOs have a board of advisors - Success is a team sport - why are we trying to do it alone?

That's why I created

Our website is still being built -
More information Coming soon!

Please reach out to schedule a call to learn more about our mission and how we can serve your business!

— Sierra 

Empowered Founder